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IronClad is natural and unpredictable. The same patina rarely produces identical markings. Typically, the color will stay true, but gorgeous rivers and textures erupt organically from nature's variables. 

Since metal rusts over time, IronClad is suitable for interior applications only. IronClad can be mounted outdoors if they are well-covered and protected by elements, like in a concave or with an awning. If you have questions about this, just ask us!


Prices are per square foot.

Most panels come in four standard sizes:

Small 2' x 1'
Medium 4' x 2'
Large 8' x 4'
Square 8' x 8' or smaller

We can cut and patina panels to your custom size, just let us know what you'd like.

IronClad is only acceptable for applications not exposed to direct weather elements: see maintenance and installation.

For more information on IronClad, click here.

Carbon Carbon Carbon Carbon Carbon Carbon
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from $60.00
Auburn Auburn Auburn Auburn Auburn Auburn
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from $60.00
Redox Redox Redox Redox Redox Redox
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from $60.00
Spelter Spelter Spelter Spelter Spelter Spelter
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from $60.00
Khalkos Khalkos Khalkos Khalkos Khalkos Khalkos
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from $60.00
Brindisi Brindisi Brindisi Brindisi Brindisi Brindisi
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from $60.00
Aurum Aurum Aurum Aurum Aurum Aurum
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from $60.00

Hung Panels are built to withstand wear, but will require a bit of regular maintenance.

Wipe Ironclad products dry and clean, should any spills occur. For cleaning, use a soft cloth or towel and natural solution, like diluted white vinegar or Simple Green. Avoid using abrasives or harsh detergents. Routine application of a sacrificial oil will maintain the integrity of the primary sealer. It’s recommended to use Hung’s unique blend of oils (given to each customer upon a project’s completion), based on the piece’s use. Hung will consult all clients on the recommended maintenance once a product has been completed.